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039 2272817

We Are different

Our poker of aces:

♠️ We offer a Strategic Innovation Certification service with the Money Inside Certification Method to follow the needs of the customer: we will assign you a “Certification Coach” and a person of our “Support Staff” who will follow you throughout the certification cycle.

The ratio is: 



We assign two persons of CERTIFICATION for each Customer. We work as Specialists on a limited number of certification projects, in which we invest all our energy to contribute with the evaluation activity to make SUSTAINABLE MONEY to the Entrepreneur or the Company Board with certification.


♦️We speak your language: the “Certification Coach” that we will assign you knows your specific merchandise industry (e.g. EA 03 Agri-food, e.g. EA 17 Metals and metal products, etc…), and knows your problems and fixes them to make the evaluation of the best performance of your business model, for your Strategic Innovation, to make you more SUSTAINABLY MONEY and to offer you the most suitable Certification to your Company with reference to the applicable rules. 


♣️ You will always be supported: a person of our “Support Staff” (Fiorella, Francesca, etc…) will take care of your Certification needs and she will support you for all your Certifications across schemes and throughout the certification cycle.


♥️ We certify with a new business model© : with the Money Inside Certification© Method we implement a unique combination of multi-specialist skills, speaking the strategic language of the Entrepreneur, the Executive Body or Senior Management: make more SUSTAINABLE MONEY with compliance with applicable rules  (making MONEY with Compliance).

Does your Company get no results?

Find out how certifications will help you and your company!

We only do the “CERTIFICATIONS THAT BRING YOU MONEY“: NO Bureaucratic certifications – NO Certifications that are only a cost – NO Certifications that are not needed by the Company Entrepreneur / Board

Angelo Freni

CEO Certification Milano