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039 2272817

Business Model

of Certification Milano

We want our Customers (Entrepreneur/Company Board) to use the Certification of Management Systems as a way to make SUSTAINABLE MONEY by increasing the Business and be supported in the Certification of Strategic Innovation: understand and manage it as and when they wish.

This is done with the availability of our professionals (Certification Project Manager) who follow customers at all stages of their certification.


The Certification Project Manager is the professional referent that compares the satisfaction of all certification requirements:

• he/she is the human face of the Certification Body and the direct interface with the Customer and the Customer’s company;
• he/she illustrates innovations (e.g. new schemes or new rules) in relation to its business models and all available certification services;
• he/she creates a strong relationship, useful especially when the company is in crisis;
• he/she allows you to have independent information, without the pressure to sell the certification service, to allow the customer the best possible choice;
• he/she is always available when the customer wants it.

Our Professionals are all over Italy to offer a model in which the goal is to reduce the distance between the Certification Body and the Customer.


For this reason, we have combined the strengths of a traditional Certification Body (ACCREDIA accredited) with those of an Innovative Certification Body.


WE ARE ENTREPRENEURS and we understand what the ENTREPRENEURS want:

NO certificates representing only a cost;
NO bureaucracy in the Company that creates costs;
NO to the stamp used only for international tenders or markets;
always certifications oriented to create SUSTAINABLE MONEY within the “rules” indicated in the applicable standards (e.g. ISO 9001:2015).


If you think you can turn a task into a SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY contact our Staff at 02 28 099 508 or send an email to [email protected] to choose your certification and to WIN.


Does your Company get no results?

Find out how certifications will help you and your company!

We only do the “CERTIFICATIONS THAT BRING YOU MONEY“: NO Bureaucratic certifications – NO Certifications that are only a cost – NO Certifications that are not needed by the Company Entrepreneur / Board

Angelo Freni

CEO Certification Milano

Eventi in Programma