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039 2272817


CERTIFICATION is the Certification Body – Global International Partner – of your Company

As a Traditional Certification Body we are accredited by ACCREDIA.

As an Innovative Certification Body we are oriented to make Certifications that bring MONEY to the Entrepreneur or Company Board, with the Method:

What accreditation is?

Accreditation demonstrates to the marketplace that certification bodies are technically  competent to audit and certify activity in accordance with the requirements of national and international standards and regulations.

CERTIFICATION srl is accredited by ACCREDIA according to the requirements of ISO 17021 “Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems”.


Current status of CERTIFICATION srl accreditation may be verified from ACCREDIA website by clicking the  following link:

Our accreditations include:

  • Certification of  Anti-bribery management systems (ABMS ISO 37001: 2016).
  • Certification of Management Systems for the Environment” (EMS – ISO 14001: 2015).
  • Certification of Quality Management Systems” (QMS – ISO 9001: 2015).
  • Certification of Management Systems for Occupational Health and Safety  (SCR – ISO 45001: 2018).
  • Certification of Management Systems for Information Security (ISMS ISO / IEC 27001).

Through collaboration agreements with international partners, CERTIFICATION SRL is able to issue accredited certifications for different standards and sectors (e.s ISO 22000, IEC 20000-1, ISO 22301, ISO 50001, etc).


Why use an accredited certification body?


Choosing a certification body that has been accredited by an accreditation body (ACCREDIA), that is a signatory to the Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA) has proved that it complies with best practice. It is competent to deliver a consistently reliable and impartial service which meets the appropriate, internationally-recognised standard. It means the equivalence of the accreditation activities carried out by all signatories, managed by IAF (International Accreditation Forum) at an international level and by EA (European Co-operation for Accreditation) at European level. Consequently, all certificates issued under ACCREDIA accreditation are recognized and accepted internationally.  In this way, the IAF-  MLA acts as an international passport to trade.

International recognition of the services provided by accredited certification body helps businesses to expand without having to submit their products or services to additional controls at the country of entry.

It is competent to provide a consistently reliable and impartial service that meets the appropriate and internationally recognized standards.

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