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039 2272817

Certification body

CERTIFICATION is the Certification Body – Global International Partner – of your Company

We certify Management Systems (Sustainability, Quality, Environment, Security, Information Security, Anti-Bribery, etc…), with a unique method:

The headquarter office is in Milan where we carry out Certification of Management Systems using the Method “Money Inside Certification “ that brings MONEY, through an evaluation process useful to analyze the ongoing or latent strategic innovation of the Company, to highlight any problems and to support the Entrepreneur, the Executive Board or the Senior Management to find a solution. We help companies to do business in a sustainable way with the review of the business model to create added value and economic value (MONEY & SUSTAINABILITY). We always work with reference to regulatory requirements (e.g. ISO 9001, EN 50001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, etc …) and applicable mandatory requirements (eg. legislative Decree no. 81/08, etc …).

Our Team

Angelo Freni, CEO dell'organismo di certificazione Certification srl

Angelo Freni


I am an Engineer and an Entrepreneur, I have always been interested in evaluating the #Compliance (compliance with laws and regulations), and I have been working in the filed of Corporate and Certification for 32 years, also in the teaching of know-how to Entrepreneurs (high level training post-university).

Get more information by visiting my website


Head of the CERTIFICATION Body

I hold two bachelor’s degrees: in Albanian Language and Literature at the University of Tirana; in Law at the University of Tirana. Moreover, I hold a master’s degree. For 14 years I have worked in the legal department as Lead assessor for certification body in Albanian Accreditation Body (DPA). I was part of Communications & Publications Committee of European co-operation for Accreditation (EA).

fiorella d'avola


I hold a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at the University of Milan. I have now gained twenty years of experience in communication, with focus on Italian and international fairs in the publishing and entertainment sectors. Today, as Support Staff at Certification S.r.l. and Certification Business School, I organize and promote corporate courses and corporate events, and I am responsible for the operational management of the office, for certification and training.


Ottavia Freni, respondabile marketing dell'RESPONSABILE DELL'ORGANISMO di certificazione Certification srl

ottavia freni

marketing manager

My passion for advertising communication led me to study for a degree in Public Relations and Business Communication at the IULM University of Milan. After my university career, I continued my studies and now I hold a master’s degree in Communication, Digital Media and Social Strategy. I previously worked as a Digital Media Planner at an international media agency. Today I am Marketing Manager of CERTIFICATION Milano and Certification Business School.

Our auditor/inspectors

In CERTIFICATION we guarantee the full participation of women and equal leadership opportunities at every level both decision-making and in the field of Audit: our Auditors are both Women and Men (in numerical parity) all Qualified and Certified by Personnel Certification Body ISO/IEC 17024.

Please note: CERTIFICATION Milan is a Certification Body that only makes certifications that create SUSTAINABLE MONEY, unlike competitors that make certifications that create costs. We provide Certification services as specialists in ISO Certifications that bring money. We offer a certification solution providing added value (WE CERTIFY YOUR INNOVATION) with the “Money Inside Certification” method. Through the Certification we evaluate how the business model, the company’s strategy and strategic innovation can contribute to make money in a sustainable way. 

Certification is registered at the Chamber of Commerce of MilanREAMI 2050505 – VAT 03040190872

Relationship: You will be supported by a Project Manager who will guide you in choosing innovation and certification for your company. In addition, our Support Staff will always be ready to listen and help you.


Freedom: We give you the freedom to focus on your core business, entrusting the Certifications to your Personal Support Staff. We believe that certification should make free your business. Our goal is to help and facilitate your business without hinder it.


Diversity: We are different, because we solve differently your needs about Certifications, through the analysis of innovation of your business model.

Does your Company get no results?

Find out how certifications will help you and your company!

We only do the “CERTIFICATIONS THAT BRING YOU MONEY“: NO Bureaucratic certifications – NO Certifications that are only a cost – NO Certifications that are not needed by the Company Entrepreneur / Board

Angelo Freni

CEO Certification Milano